

I observe from the edge of the city of Bath in the UK and occasionally at more remote locations. The BLT is Bath’s Little Telescope which is housed in the observatory I designed and built myself. We contend with Bortle Class 5 skies, streetlights and the glow from a nearby University campus, but certain techniques and filters can overcome these less than perfect conditions. I am a member of the Bath Astronomers and my meteor camera is linked to both the UK Meteor Network and Global Meteor Network.

I started out with a small GOTO Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope and tried prime photography and eyepiece projection. I then got a small refractor and an equatorial mount paired with a DSLR which has served me well for a number of years. I have tried standalone guiding for longer exposures I have recently moved into CMOS cooled single shot imaging. I also have a portable tracking camera mount with which I hope to do more nightscape photography.

From my observatory, I have 5 aims:

  1. To use my equipment as often as possible

  2. To take images of the night sky

  3. To not worry about perfection

  4. To learn (and maybe do some actual science)

  5. To share what I’ve learned

I hope you enjoy this site.

Please contact me by email blt_astro@icloud.com or on twitter @blt_astro